{"response":{"status":"1","ProductsList":[{"id":"1","image":"https:\/\/www.instimatch.ch\/admin\/assets\/products\/img2995.png","title":"Money Marketing Borrowing & Lending","description":"Most money market borrowing and lending is still done over the phone. However, in most other markets we have seen a move towards centralized trading venues. This is why we have created the Instimatch Network.\r\n\r\nOur network offers funding in major currencies, Request-For-Quotes (RFQs), with your specific funding request addressed to a pre-selected group of lenders, and more.","inner_page_description":"Our base money market borrowing and lending network offers funding in \u20ac, $, \u00a3, Swiss Francs, A$ and many more currencies. Request-For-Quotes (RFQs), with your specific funding request addressed to a pre-selected group of lenders. We keep developing new features for our money market participants including customization possibilities, with a unique user interface."},{"id":"6","image":"https:\/\/www.instimatch.ch\/admin\/assets\/products\/img4847.png","title":"Fiduciary Management Solution","description":"Currently under development we are working on the fiduciary management trading tool of the future. Co-created with customers, including banks, family offices and investors, we believe it will disrupt the current fiduciary placement process significantly.","inner_page_description":"Currently under development we are working on the fiduciary management trading tool of the future. Co-created with customers, including banks, family offices and investors, we believe it will disrupt the current fiduciary placement process significantly."},{"id":"10","image":"https:\/\/www.instimatch.ch\/admin\/assets\/products\/img4131.png","title":"Intraday Borrowing & Lending","description":"The possibility to exchange funds in less than 24 hours is up to now not possible for institutional clients in the money market space. Our proprietary trading flow enables you to do Intraday trading, with a fully integrated system from trade to settlement in minutes. All done on Distributed Ledger Technology.","inner_page_description":"Instimatch Global wants to make Intraday Trading a reality for all institutions in the money market space. Until now it has not been possible for institutional clients in the money market space to trade under 24 hour tenors. We will change this by enabling you to leverage a fully integrated system from trade execution to settlement within the same day.\r\nWe want to make it a possibility to exchange funds intra-day and clear the transaction on the same day, in minutes not limiting reconciliation of risk to the end of day."},{"id":"13","image":"https:\/\/www.instimatch.ch\/admin\/assets\/products\/img6871.png","title":"KYC & AML Solutions","description":"We offer real-time Software-as-a-Service solutions to verify business and user identity, prevent fraud and money laundering, and bring full regulatory compliance. All data are securely stored on the blockchain for dynamic reporting.\r\n\r\n","inner_page_description":"Know Your Customer (KYC) module provides identity verification as a service for business in a fast and user-friendly manner, helping businesses onboard customers with full regulatory compliance.\r\n\r\nAnti-Money Laundering (AML) module provides regulatory compliance in real time for regulated financial entities.\r\n\r\nThe blockchain allows us to automatically validate authenticity of users and businesses, scanning global databases thus achieving regulatory compliance in any jurisdiction worldwide."}]}}